Welcome to the Window of Life Foundation website!

The Window of Life Children’s Village is a Ugandan-Polish initiative that has been in existence since September 2011. Its goal is to create a home and provide care for orphaned and needy children in Masindi, Uganda. Our mission is to surround the children with love, ensure their safety, and provide them with access to education, giving them a good start in adult life.


The Children’s Village is the main pillar and a kind of anchor for the Window of Life organization in Masindi. Thanks to our constant presence, we have earned the trust of local entities and established a solid, trust-based, and responsible partnership. We are a regular member of local bodies, and through our early-stage interventions, we are able to ensure the long-term well-being of at-risk children and youth, both in crisis situations and preventively.

At Window of Life, we highly value quality education. In addition to the children and youth from our children’s home, we guarantee education to selected children and youth from the region through our scholarship program, focusing on those who face difficulties accessing the education system. Among them, we primarily concentrate on children with disabilities or those who had to interrupt their studies due to sudden health issues.

In 2019, Window of Life launched a medical program. Children born in Uganda with serious illnesses or deformities often represent a significant, sometimes overwhelming, burden for their parents and families. Most of these children are discharged from the hospital without further treatment, leaving their prognosis often very poor. Through collaboration with the local hospital, Window of Life Babies Home has managed to implement a support program. Our assistance is holistic and includes professional care for the sick children, support for their caregivers, transportation to hospitals, which are often very far away, covering the costs of necessary treatments, surgeries, and rehabilitation, as well as monitoring the recovery process.

Window of Life Babies Home is committed to supporting women, particularly mothers of children who are temporarily sheltered with us, on their path to financial independence. This enables them to resume care of their children and take care of themselves and their families in the long term. In addition to nurturing the parent-child relationship, this collaboration focuses on analysing opportunities and prospects in the job market. We support this development through targeted actions, creating job opportunities, or providing financial assistance to start their own businesses.





We official inform you that we change old name Window of Life Babies Home for new name: Window od Life Children Village!


A photo report of our trip to the Murchinson Waterfalls National Park in the largest nature reserve in Uganda, it was a great day for our children on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Window of Life Foundation !

Support us

One-Time Donation

The simplest way to support our activities is by making a one-time donation using the form below. The transaction is processed by Przelewy24.

Custom price

Other Forms of Support

Window of Life would not be able to function without the regular donations from our benefactors. The best way to support our activities is through recurring transfers to our account:
IBAN: PL03 2030 0045 1110 0000 0203 4820 BIC: PPAB PLPK
Even seemingly small amounts make a difference!

Volunteers are also extremely important to us, whether they are working for the foundation in Europe or directly in Masindi. Anyone interested in joining our team of volunteers is invited to contact us at volunteer@window-of-life.org or fill out the form: Become a Volunteer!

If you would like to support us by donating 1.5% of your Polish PIT, simply provide our KRS number when filing your tax return. Our number is: 0000383550.

About Window of Life