Chairperson: Coordinator of the scholarship program:


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We found a new home

January 22, 2025

We have been looking for a bigger house in Masindi for a long time. Unfortunately it's a small town and there are hardly any big houses. We have struggled to find an alternative for the old house. However, in November, we spotted an opportunity to rent a small house from our neighbor. The new house, which, by the way is very simple (four rooms, no kitchen or bathroom), is surrounded by a huge garden. We could not miss this opportunity to rent such a wonderful residence. Two weeks before Christmas the sound of shovels and other heavy tools announced the start of extensive renovation and construction of the fence. After 13 days of hard work done by Rik, Maria, Aunties, older children, as well as whole bunch of our neighbors, our home transformed into a big, green, spacious villa. The new space made it possible to separate older and younger children, boys and girls and expanding the house. Our aim was not to take in any new children, but wanted to enhance the living conditions of the ones who live in our home already.
