



We official inform you that we change old name Window of Life Babies Home for new name: Window od Life Children Village!


A photo report of our trip to the Murchinson Waterfalls National Park in the largest nature reserve in Uganda, it was a great day for our children on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Window of Life Foundation !


We want to share great news – a little, two-week-old Agnes has joined our home!

Grow healthy in our arms and Bring us joy!

In the photo little Agnes in Aunt Sunny’s arms!


Meanwhile, Ola our volunteer, has just arrived at our home in Masindi with a wonderful gift.  And so sewing workshops began for our aunts and chikdren. where they get used to the Singer machine – who remembers it? maybe you have some memories related to it?)
We didn’t have to wait long for the effects of the work, see what was created during the sewing workshop.


When we think that nothing can surprise us anymore Alex appears out of nowhere and proves that he can make cages for our inventory himself .

The joy is seen in the photos !

Please welcome our new Window family menuet – its Blair, born April 4, 2021. – welcome to our home! Grow healthy and bring us joy every day!

After so many weeks of lockdown, nothing pleases our children more than the arrival of a young and brave volunteer !
Alex – welcome on board – now you will need a lot of patience – the kids are thirsty for fun .Aleks is already breaking the ice with children and learning about their habits and surroundings. He’s doing great… well, maybe a little less when it comes to remembering so many new names.
Aleks and his ideas – Polish dishes on the African table –  bon appetit !